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  • Stop using any skin thinners (Vitamin A, glycolic acids, exfoliation) on the area to be tattooed 2 weeks prior to your appointment

  • Do not have your brows tinted 2 weeks before your appointment

  • Any waxing/plucking ideally should not be done at least 3 weeks before the appointment (the more hair in the brow the better, Danielle will remove any hair that is not needed at the appointment)

  • No Botox or fillers near the area to be tattooed 2 weeks either side of the appointment

  • Your skin in the area being treated should be in the best possible condition before treatment. If you are having a lip blush treatment, you should moisturise your lips the week leading up to your appointment and keep yourself hydrated to maximise your results

  • DO NOT consume alcohol 48 hours prior to the appointment as it can cause excess bleeding and affect your results 

  • DO NOT take any painkillers or consume any caffeine on the day of the appointment (you can have this after your appointment, just not before) as it causes excess bleeding and affect your results

  • You may experience hypersensitivity and more pain around or during your menstrual cycle 

  • It is not possible to tattoo over any blemishes, sores, and moles in the area

  • If you would like the area to be treated pre-numbed, you must do this yourself at least 30 minutes before your appointment. You can buy numbing cream (such as EMLA) from most pharmacies

  • I offer a patch test, if you would like one then please let Danielle know by contacting


  • Should you think you may be pregnant or are breast feeding at the time of your appointment you must let Danielle know in advance

  • You must notify IN ADVANCE if you are on ANY medication that affects your bodies healing process or it is advised that you shouldn't have a tattoo

  • You should come to the appointment with how you usually do your brow makeup. If you decide to pre-numb your brows, then please dab the cream over your brow makeup, it will go clear after a few seconds

  • For lip blush, please bring any pictures/lipstick colours that’s you would like to match

*LIP BLUSH* If you suffer from cold sores we recommend that you see your doctor to prescribe you with a course of anti-viral medication to take 5 days before your appointment, the day of and 5 days after the appointment. This will prevent a breakout and spread.


  • Giving blood: The Red Cross have suggested that you do not give blood for 6 months after treatment 

  • MRI Scans: this procedure shows as an artefact on the scan. Some clients may experience a tingling sensation. Please notify your radiologist of your treatment 

  • Injectables: dermal fillers can alter the shape of your eyebrows 

  • Laser Hair Removal: this can cause colour change, particularly around the lip area (if you have had your lips tattooed). It is important to advise you LHR consultant that you have had micropigmentation. The colour change after laser treatment cannot be rectified with further treatment


Do not panic if the area treated becomes red or swollen, or that the colour initially looks dark and intense - this is normal and the colour will fade during the healing process by approximately 30%.


You will go through 3 healing phases: 

1. HEAL: your tattooed area may scab, these will last approx 2-3 weeks. Not everyone’s body scabs, they often just look dry and raised. THIS IS YOUR BODY HEALING 

2. PEELING: over the next 2-3 weeks the scabs and dryness will start to exfoliate all by itself. Do NOT try to remove the scabs yourself

3. FADE TO IMPLANTED COLOUR: it will take 4 WEEKS before you see your final colour, sometimes the colour can look cool/grey and washed out whilst it is developing

  • Avoid water touching the treated area for 


     or allow water to go over your brows whilst they are healing, wash your hair as little as possible and consider having a bath to wash your hair so your face stays dry or get someone to assist you. Use cleanser and wipes and flannels etc to cleanse your face

  • You are most at risk of infection in the first 24 hours – DO NOT go to the gym, use a sauna or steam room within the first 24 hours. After the 24 hours they MUST STILL BE KEPT DRY. DO NOT sweat excessively for 14 days. Getting them wet or sweaty too soon can draw the pigment out. Moderate exercise is fine as long as you don’t get too sweaty! Sweat contains salt and can infect and prematurely fade your tattoo. Salt in the sweat may also alter the colour of your tattoo

  • Do not pick or pull the treated area as it will result in loss of pigment. Do not pluck, thread, wax your hair until they are completely healed

  • Day 1: Two hours after your procedure take a baby wipe and gently wipe over your brows, removing any lymphatic fluid which will have continued to weep. However, this may not be visible. By doing this it helps to stop the scabs being as prominent. Do this every two hours for today only

  • Day 2-5: Using a cotton bud, you may apply a very small amount of coconut oil to the brows (very small amount - like the size of a grain of rice for each brow). This is just to add a small amount of moisture – brows should not appear greasy, glossy or shiny, if they do, you used too much. Do not use aggressive movement/manipulation of the skin - gently pat the coconut oil on to the brows using a clean cotton bud for each eyebrow to avoid cross contamination. Make sure your hands are clean before touching your brows


    . This includes make-up, moisturisers, hair tint and fake tan. Your foundation and eye makeup must not go anywhere near your brows whilst they are healing. Makeup will draw the pigment out. After the initial scabbing has sloughed away, you will see a different hue to the colour implanted, at this point (2-3weeks later) you can then apply make-up on your brows 

  • ONCE

     the treated area has completely healed (approximately 2-3 weeks) consider using a waterproof sunblock if going outside to stop the colour fading. Do not expose to extreme temperatures or UV light for at least three weeks (this could pull the pigment out of your skin before it has chance to settle)

  • Sunbeds, holidays and sunny days in England you MUST wear 

    factor 50 sunblock

     and for day to day wear a moisturiser with an SPF in.


    F YOU DO NOT PROTECT THEM FROM THE SUN, THE COLOUR WILL FADE DRASTICALLY. (Do not put sunblock on the brows whilst they are healing. Nothing can go on the brows until they have completely healed

  • Do not use strong chemicals, retinol acids, AHA’s or glycolic acid/peels of any kind on/near the area. These will cause the pigments to fade prematurely

  • No Botox or filler for two weeks


Days 1-4

The pigment will appear very sharp and dark. This is because the pigment is still sitting on top of your skin and has not yet settled in completely. The colour of the pigment will soften gradually. Do not be alarmed if you see some pigment on the cotton swab, as this is excess pigment and/or body fluid that is naturally exiting your skin. Your brows may swell and appear larger also.

Days 5-7

Once the healing of the skin starts taking place, it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. This might give you the impression that the pigment is fading too quickly, however, this is just superficial colour and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows.

Days 8-12

Your brows may look as though the pigment has completely faded – do not panic, the pigment develops under the skin and will come back. This can take 4 weeks

Days 14-28

Your brows may still look a little patchy or uneven, but the pigment will start to “reappear” as the pigment settles and the healing continues.

For cosmetic treatments, a second appointment is needed 6-12 weeks after your first treatment. This is because, as the area is healing, some parts may not ‘hold’ as well as others and you may have a few patches that need more colour. This is completely normal and everyone heals differently. 

Colour refresh: to keep your treatment looking its best it is recommended that you have a top up procedure every 12 - 24 months (more information here).

THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OF RESULTS as everyone’s result will vary due to skin type, lifestyle and the initial 14 - 21 day after care and long term care of your micropigmentation treatment.



Do not panic if the area treated becomes red or swollen. The colour initially looks darker straight after the treatment and may go darker the next day as the pigment oxidises in the skin. This is normal and the colour will fade during the healing process.


For 2-5 days after the treatment, you may experience the following symptoms; Flaking, shedding, tenderness, dryness, itching, swelling, redness and tightness.

Day 1-7 or until the area appears to be healed, include the following in your daily routine:

  • Apply the moisturising balm provided religiously with a cotton bud. You are most at risk of an infection in the first 24 hours – DO NOT touch the area until completely healed (about 7 days) other than applying the moisturising balm

  • Drink fluids immediately after the treatment to keep the lips hydrated

  • Do not get the lips wet for 5 days. Blot with a damp cloth if the area gets wet – drink through a straw and apply the moisturising balm as a barrier before getting in the shower and before cleaning your teeth

  • DO NOT go to the gym or get sweaty for 5 days. After those 5 days have passed, DO NOT sweat excessively for a further 5 days. Getting them wet or sweaty too soon can draw the pigment out. Moderate exercise is fine after the initial 5 days post treatment as long as you don’t get too sweaty! Sweat contains salt and can infect and prematurely fade your tattoo. Salt in the sweat may also alter the colour of your tattoo

  • Do not expose the area to extreme temperatures or UV light for TWO WEEKS. This includes sunbathing, sunbeds, saunas, steam rooms etc (this could draw the pigment out of the skin before it has had the chance to settle)

  • Sunbeds, holidays and sunny days in England you MUST wear an

    SPF lip balm or sunblock.


  • DO NOT pick, scratch or rub the area or the colour will heal unevenly or cause scarring and infection

  • Do not use any makeup, products or creams on the area until fully healed. This can also draw the pigment out of the skin

  • Do not get massages or facials or skin treatments during the healing process

  • No Botox or filler for two weeks 

  • DO NOT use exfoliants, retinol acids, AHA’s on the area. It will fade your tattoo prematurely


Once healed, your lip blush may look as though the pigment has completely disappeared or 'not worked' DON'T WORRY - this is completely normal and part of the healing process. Your skin is healing, the colour develops under the skin and will come back. This can take up to 4 weeks. 

For cosmetic treatments, a second appointment is needed 6-12 weeks after your first treatment. This is because, as the area is healing, some parts may not ‘hold’ as well as others and you may have a few patches that need more colour. This is completely normal and everyone heals differently. 

Colour refresh: to keep your treatment looking its best it is recommended that you have a top up procedure every 12 - 24 months (more information here).​

THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OF RESULTS as everyone’s result will vary due to skin type, lifestyle and the initial 10 day after care and long term care of your micropigmentation treatment.

Pre/Post care: About
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