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Not everyone is suitable for cosmetic tattoos. It is the buyers responsibility to check that the person they are buying for is suitable for treatment by checking the â€˜before you book’ page of the website before a voucher is purchased. This page covers who can and cannot have cosmetic tattoo treatments.

If the person you are buying for has previously had their eyebrows tattooed with another brow artist, then clear photos MUST be sent to Danielle to check suitability and for the treatment to be agreed BEFORE any vouchers are purchased. Details of what photos are needed and where to send them are on the ‘before you book’ page.


* Danielle Turner is not responsible for any refunds if a client is not suitable for a cosmetic tattoo - the ‘before you book’ page MUST be checked first. Danielle is not responsible for any refunds if photos of previous brow tattoos were not sent to her and the treatment was not agreed by her before a purchase of a gift voucher.

Once suitability has been checked, gift vouchers can be purchased via the button below

Gift Vouchers: Service
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